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Contact Our Firm For Skilled Representation

Contact Our Firm For Skilled Representation

Contact Our Firm For Skilled Representation


Thirty pages and fifteen minutes – the entire appeal of a decision, one that asks the court to reconsider a decision or decisions based on thousands of documents and years of litigation, must be presented to the appellate court in an appellate brief no more than thirty pages in length and a fifteen-minute statement.

An effective appeal requires the lawyer to have an extraordinary ability to locate the essential issues in a forest of data and then craft accurate, concise, and eloquent written and oral arguments addressing the matter.

Few firms offer the quality of representation in state and federal civil appellate law that is available at Magleby Cataxinos

The firm’s attorneys, led by partners James Magleby and Edgar R. Cataxinos, have successfully represented clients in a variety of civil appeals, including drafting numerous appellate briefs and presenting oral arguments to appellate courts. Each partner has extensive experience as a civil trial attorney, including terms at large regional firms, at exclusive boutique litigation firms in the Salt Lake City area, and at Magleby Cataxinos

Equally valuable in their appellate practice is the experience they had on the other side of the bench. Mr. Magleby’s term of service as a clerk to the Honorable Pamela T. Greenwood of the Utah Court of Appeals, and Ms. Greenwood’s term as law clerk to the Honorable Monroe G. MacKay of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Associates at the firm are hired and trained specifically to handle complex matters, excellent preparation for appellate law.

Preparing A Case For Appeal During Litigation

The firm’s lawyers, who regularly handle difficult and complex litigation, carefully preserve all issues for appeal during the course of litigation, seeing that any error or irregularity is corrected or addressed as appropriate, to avoid either a future appeal or preserve legitimate grounds for a future appeal. The firm has handled appeals in cases where the firm handled the original litigation, and it has pursued appeals on cases tried by other firms. The firm is prepared to represent clients in any state or federal civil appellate court in Utah.

Contact An Appellate Attorney Today

To schedule a consultation with an attorney who can help you pursue an appeal, please complete this online contact form.